Frequently Asked Questions - General
You earn points by doing website activities like:
- Voting on polls
- Posting content
- Someone can send points to you
- You may be able to purchase points from the shop
To get your post on the front page or as close to the front page as possible, you will need to promote it.
To promote a post, you will need to get points. See the FAQ on the various ways to get points.
Promoting a post gives it more visibility on the website. When you promote a post, it is moves as close as possible to the top wards the home page.
The promoted post will have to compete with other posts on the home page for visibility.
Promoted posts are also shown in the side bar in a random rotation.
You can promote your post by buying the 'promote my post' item from the shop.
There is no guarantee your post will be on the front page after promoting it.
The website does nothing additionally to give your promoted post an extra boost apart from the system's in-built random rotation system.
Featured posts are those we have chosen to highlight for several reasons including that they may resonate with the ethos of the website.
Such posts will be marked as 'featured'. Featured posts are displayed in a random rotation in the side bar.
To feature your post, please contact us.
Premium posts are those we have been paid to promote. They will be marked as 'premium'.
Premium posts are displayed in random rotational order on the home page.
Premium posts are always displayed first before any other.
We also keep track of how many times a premium post has been displayed (impressions).
To include your post in the premium post queue, please conact us.