
Video Details

Video Data

Mohbad peace (U)

Created2024-05-24 | 256 days ago
Views1,192,392 | Previous: 1,187,643
Likes5,336 | Previous: 5,313
Daily Views increase (calculated)4,749 (0.40%)
Daily Likes increase (calculated)23 (0.43%)
Avg Views/ Day (lifetime)4,658
Avg Views/ Subscriber20
Channel Subscribers59,000
Updated (by us)2025-02-04 06:02

Views/ Likes History - Last 30 days

Views Likes Views+ Likes+ Updated
1,192,392 5,336 4,749 23 04-02-2025
1,187,643 5,313 5,394 20 03-02-2025
1,182,249 5,293 6,834 32 02-02-2025
1,175,415 5,261 6,249 28 01-02-2025
1,169,166 5,233 5,931 23 31-01-2025
1,163,235 5,210 5,462 26 30-01-2025
1,157,773 5,184 4,952 30 29-01-2025
1,152,821 5,154 4,345 22 28-01-2025
1,148,476 5,132 4,735 25 27-01-2025
1,143,741 5,107 7,685 31 26-01-2025
1,136,056 5,076 5,785 25 25-01-2025
1,130,271 5,051 4,673 23 24-01-2025
1,125,598 5,028 4,699 23 23-01-2025
1,120,899 5,005 6,120 24 22-01-2025
1,114,779 4,981 5,201 26 21-01-2025
1,109,578 4,955 3,516 14 20-01-2025
1,106,062 4,941 4,744 20 19-01-2025
1,101,318 4,921 5,940 20 18-01-2025
1,095,378 4,901 5,124 30 17-01-2025
1,090,254 4,871 4,740 20 16-01-2025

Views/ Likes History - Monthly

Days Tracked Views+ Likes+ Avg.Views+ Avg.Likes+ Updated
31 171,469 770 5,531 25 2025-1

Channel Data

Channel Thumbnail
ChannelMohbad - Topic
Created2,189 days ago
CountryNigeria (NG)
Channel Views48,514,091
Channel Comments0
Avg Views/ Day22,163
Avg Views/ Subscriber822
Avg Views/ Video1,347,614
Views Growth (7d)282,233 (0.59%)

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