
Video Details

Video Data

Kolaboy ft Lawrence Obusi - kolapiano vol 3, Sewaa Sewaa (Viral Video) (U)

Created2023-10-28 | 418 days ago
Views544,248 | Previous: 543,851
Likes9,805 | Previous: 9,804
Comments1,012 | Previous: 1,012
Daily Views increase (calculated)397 (0.07%)
Daily Likes increase (calculated)1 (0.01%)
Avg Views/ Day (lifetime)1,302
Avg Views/ Subscriber8
Channel Subscribers70,600
Updated (by us)2024-12-19 04:12

Views/ Likes History - Last 30 days

Views Likes Views+ Likes+ Updated
544,248 9,805 397 1 19-12-2024
543,851 9,804 403 7 18-12-2024
543,448 9,797 331 2 17-12-2024
543,117 9,795 421 8 16-12-2024
542,696 9,787 366 3 15-12-2024
542,330 9,784 353 3 14-12-2024
541,977 9,781 280 1 13-12-2024
541,697 9,780 297 4 12-12-2024
541,400 9,776 328 3 11-12-2024
541,072 9,773 344 1 10-12-2024
540,728 9,772 360 4 09-12-2024
540,368 9,768 313 1 08-12-2024
540,055 9,767 34 1 07-12-2024
540,021 9,766 585 3 06-12-2024
539,135 9,763 300 2 04-12-2024
538,521 9,761 409 1 02-12-2024
538,112 9,760 438 2 01-12-2024
537,674 9,758 532 2 30-11-2024
537,142 9,756 444 1 29-11-2024
536,398 9,755 315 3 27-11-2024

Views/ Likes History - Monthly

Days Tracked Views+ Likes+ Avg.Views+ Avg.Likes+ Updated
6 2,480 11 413 2 2024-11

Channel Data

Channel Thumbnail
Created3,597 days ago
CountryNigeria (NG)
Channel Views12,282,032
Channel Comments0
Avg Views/ Day3,415
Avg Views/ Subscriber174
Avg Views/ Video127,938
Views Growth (7d)126,401 (1.04%)

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