
Video Details

Video Data

Simi - Know You II ft. Ladipoe (Official Video) (U)

Created2024-08-26 | 114 days ago
Views606,424 | Previous: 605,429
Likes25,636 | Previous: 25,621
Comments1,032 | Previous: 1,032
Daily Views increase (calculated)995 (0.16%)
Daily Likes increase (calculated)15 (0.06%)
Avg Views/ Day (lifetime)5,320
Avg Views/ Subscriber1
Channel Subscribers1,040,000
Updated (by us)2024-12-18 05:12

Views/ Likes History - Last 30 days

Views Likes Views+ Likes+ Updated
606,424 25,636 995 15 18-12-2024
605,429 25,621 939 8 17-12-2024
604,490 25,613 1,028 9 16-12-2024
603,462 25,604 1,146 15 15-12-2024
602,316 25,589 1,198 9 14-12-2024
601,118 25,580 1,045 8 13-12-2024
600,073 25,572 1,075 11 12-12-2024
598,998 25,561 1,101 12 11-12-2024
597,897 25,549 1,039 19 10-12-2024
596,858 25,530 1,008 18 09-12-2024
595,850 25,512 936 14 08-12-2024
594,914 25,498 160 1 07-12-2024
594,754 25,497 1,898 30 06-12-2024
592,856 25,467 1,009 7 05-12-2024
591,847 25,460 980 7 04-12-2024
590,867 25,453 962 12 03-12-2024
589,905 25,441 1,049 11 02-12-2024
588,856 25,430 1,082 9 01-12-2024
587,774 25,421 1,011 7 30-11-2024
586,763 25,414 1,223 8 29-11-2024

Views/ Likes History - Monthly

Days Tracked Views+ Likes+ Avg.Views+ Avg.Likes+ Updated
15 20,595 232 1,373 15 2024-11
31 89,798 1,493 2,897 48 2024-10
30 248,171 7,598 8,272 253 2024-9
5 206,518 15,791 41,304 3,158 2024-8

Channel Data

Channel Thumbnail
Created5,083 days ago
CountryNigeria (NG)
Channel Views186,827,462
Channel Comments117
Avg Views/ Day36,755
Avg Views/ Subscriber180
Avg Views/ Video2,788,470
Views Growth (7d)0 (0.00%)

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