Video Details
Video Data
Mafuriko yamkumba Mbosso katikati ya shooting. (U) | |
Category | Afrobeat |
Created | 2025-01-22 | 11 days ago |
Views | 9,486 | Previous: 9,380 |
Likes | 527 | Previous: 520 |
Comments | 8 | Previous: 8 |
Daily Views increase (calculated) | 106 (1.13%) |
Daily Likes increase (calculated) | 7 (1.35%) |
Avg Views/ Day (lifetime) | 862 |
Avg Views/ Subscriber | < 1 |
Channel Subscribers | 2,980,000 |
Updated (by us) | 2025-02-02 05:02 |
Views/ Likes History - Last 30 days
Views | Likes | Views+ | Likes+ | Updated |
9,486 | 527 | 106 | 7 | 02-02-2025 |
9,380 | 520 | 156 | 8 | 01-02-2025 |
9,224 | 512 | 272 | 16 | 31-01-2025 |
8,952 | 496 | 1,060 | 58 | 30-01-2025 |
7,892 | 438 | 591 | 30 | 29-01-2025 |
7,301 | 408 | 561 | 24 | 28-01-2025 |
6,740 | 384 | 499 | 34 | 27-01-2025 |
6,241 | 350 | 636 | 31 | 26-01-2025 |
5,605 | 319 | 640 | 27 | 25-01-2025 |
4,965 | 292 | 3,101 | 155 | 24-01-2025 |
Views/ Likes History - Monthly
Days Tracked | Views+ | Likes+ | Avg.Views+ | Avg.Likes+ | Updated |
8 | 7,360 | 375 | 920 | 47 | 2025-1 |
Channel Data
Channel | Mbosso |
Category | Afrobeat |
Created | 2017-11-02 |
Created | 2,649 days ago |
Country | Tanzania, United Republic of (TZ) |
Subscribers | 2,980,000 |
Videos | 1,051 |
Channel Views | 754,191,786 |
Channel Comments | 1,400 |
Avg Views/ Day | 284,708 |
Avg Views/ Subscriber | 253 |
Avg Views/ Video | 717,594 |
Views Growth (7d) | 0 (0.00%) |
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