
Video Details

Video Data

Shallipopi - Billions (Official Video) ft. Reehaa, Zerrydl & Tega boi dc (U)

Created2024-09-21 | 137 days ago
Views1,396,339 | Previous: 1,390,998
Likes14,508 | Previous: 14,470
Comments752 | Previous: 752
Daily Views increase (calculated)5,341 (0.38%)
Daily Likes increase (calculated)38 (0.26%)
Avg Views/ Day (lifetime)10,192
Avg Views/ Subscriber6
Channel Subscribers219,000
Updated (by us)2025-02-05 05:02

Views/ Likes History - Last 30 days

Views Likes Views+ Likes+ Updated
1,396,339 14,508 5,341 38 05-02-2025
1,390,998 14,470 5,327 44 04-02-2025
1,385,671 14,426 5,453 25 03-02-2025
1,380,218 14,401 5,831 32 02-02-2025
1,374,387 14,369 4,684 24 01-02-2025
1,369,703 14,345 4,265 33 31-01-2025
1,365,438 14,312 3,842 20 30-01-2025
1,361,596 14,292 3,678 21 29-01-2025
1,357,918 14,271 4,073 22 28-01-2025
1,353,845 14,249 4,405 25 27-01-2025
1,349,440 14,224 4,636 29 26-01-2025
1,344,804 14,195 4,611 17 25-01-2025
1,340,193 14,178 4,640 31 24-01-2025
1,335,553 14,147 4,223 24 23-01-2025
1,331,330 14,123 4,074 23 22-01-2025
1,327,256 14,100 4,485 32 21-01-2025
1,322,771 14,068 4,687 27 20-01-2025
1,318,084 14,041 5,553 33 19-01-2025
1,312,531 14,008 5,086 26 18-01-2025
1,307,445 13,982 4,372 21 17-01-2025

Views/ Likes History - Monthly

Days Tracked Views+ Likes+ Avg.Views+ Avg.Likes+ Updated
31 150,128 796 4,843 26 2025-1

Channel Data

Channel Thumbnail
Created1,369 days ago
CountryNigeria (NG)
Channel Views76,989,080
Channel Comments0
Avg Views/ Day56,237
Avg Views/ Subscriber352
Avg Views/ Video5,132,605
Views Growth (7d)797,289 (1.05%)

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